One of the grandest challenges every executive to front-line manager faces is optimizing human potential. In today’s fast paced, every changing business environment, fueling exceptional performance requires well-honed skills and a never-ending commitment to providing positive energy to those we lead.
How then can impact leaders influence other’s performance? Before offering a simple yet not simplistic solution, here are a few “old school” approaches to flush down the toilet.
Expecting Respect – Respect has always and will forever be earned. Peer-to-peer or positional power does not equate to being respected. Respect is not an entitlement.
Complicated Competency Models – Performance Management Systems steeped in 72 varying competencies tied to organizational hierarchy are just plain stupid. They take way too long to create, are difficult to administer and most managers and employees hate completing the compulsory annual review. (Frankly, in many companies they never get done). Don’t waste your time.
Command and Control – Remember when you were ten years old and you asked a parent for something and they said “no”? You, being the persistent sales person, did not take “no” for an answer and began re-pitching your request with added vigor and passion. Your parent, not sharing your perspective, increased their volume and intensity with an even more emphatic “NO!” Out of sadness and desperation, your little ten-year old self simply retorted…”but why?” Then the abrupt and totally unacceptable response was sternly and forcefully stated by mom or dad…”because I said so.”
Is it any wonder why most of us hate to be told what to do? For many, we still hold that ten-year old child deep within our soul. When dictated or commanded to perform in a certain way, a small yet strong part of an individual’s being immediately pushes back. No one likes to be told what to do.
How then can executives and managers construct powerful performance optimization systems? Ask three important questions.
1. Do the individual(s) have the required skills and abilities to effectively do the desired work required? Let’s call that the individual(s) Aptitude.
2. Do the individual(s) have the appropriate emotional intelligence and energy to engage, enroll and empower those they have the privilege to lead and influence? Let’s call that the individual(s) Attitude.
3. Are the individual(s) demonstrating the behaviors that will produce desired performance? Let’s call that the individual(s) Actions
When these three simple elements, Aptitudes, Attitudes and Actions, are congruently integrated the mere mortal can manifest the miraculous. When multiple people within the same organization do the same, powerful purpose driven cultures are created.
The ultimate question business owners and executives must continually ask is, am I being the example I want others to follow? Next, am I making the complex in my business as simple and easy to act on as possible?
Maximizing performance optimization is easy to understand and hard to do. The reason so few become the best is because exceptional execution is circular. It never ends. But then again, so many never really begin.
Are you ready to start becoming the best?
Speaking Events
Business Development is Everyone’s Business
The Art and Science of Values Based Influence
Private CEO and Business Owner Event
Thursday November 2, 2017
Bloomington, CA
7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Performance Optimization 3.0
“Accelerating Success in the Age of Disruption”
Disrupt HR Orange County
Wednesday November 16, 2017
UCI Applied Innovation
Irvine, CA
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Helping Build Amazing Organizations
Core focus areas include:
Sales Growth
Strategy Execution
Executive Advisory, Alignment and Accountability