Parenthood is a lot like executive management. You want the very best for your people, you provide every opportunity possible to set others up for success, you establish desired outcomes and then you work to coach people along the way.
At times our teams step up and deliver the miraculous. Other times our teams struggle with learning new skills.
Like parenthood, great executives never give up on their people. They continue to inquire, ignite, inspire and inspect. With new insights, the appropriate coaching and development can be offered to further build individuals, departments and the entire organization’s confidence and competence.
Herein lies the grand invitation; always believe others can and will achieve. Recognize that ultimately each must make a personal choice to rise up, to maintain or to fall down. One challenge of true leadership is not to dictate but to develop.
The ingredients:
- Inquire – Learn to ask good questions. Understand where others are coming from. Be interested in other’s perspectives. Find the unique qualities, skills and abilities each have
- Ignite – Fuel your team’s desire to make incremental improvements. Find successes and stretch others to continually to build on progress. Question how each might innovate
- Inspire – Each team member has unique talents: God given abilities that require little effort. Acknowledge your team member’s talents and encourage them to do more of “that thing.” That which comes easy for one is challenging for another. Synergizing the collective’s talents can produce magnificent manifestations
- Inspect – Climbing the metaphorical mountain of success is a never-ending journey. To scale safely, we must continually check to ensure safe steps are being taken. Our role is not to catch other’s doing wrong, but rather to coach others to continually enhance their full capabilities
It has been observed 99.9% of people truly desire to do “the right” thing. Recognizing everyone is at a different place on the continuum of success is key to building for the future.
Great leaders have steadfast belief that there are solutions to every challenge and with strong stewardship exceptional outcomes can be achieved.
Be there for others and they will be there for you.
Onward and upward! Enjoy the journey.