Swinging for the Fences

Over the last several weeks I have met with a number of CEOs and Business Owners. In EVERY conversation, business development and sales generation has surfaced as a primary focus. It is a rarity to meet an executive who does NOT want to increase their customer base.

How then can executives and sales professionals proactively attract new business? Here are a few thoughts.

Singles are More Important than Home Runs – An often overused metaphor, but if every ...

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How to Increase Your IQ by 80 Points

According to Marvin Minsky, the father of artificial intelligence, you can radically increase your IQ by developing one simple skill. Cultivating a well-developed point of view.

Original thinking is critical to developing strong strategy plans that get executed.   For most, making the time to think deeply about multiple “roads to success” AND considering consequences is not a common behavior. People tend to behave habitually vs. truly challenging their own preferences.

Here is a simple exercise to help facilitate the process. I call ...

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