Leaders understand their influence is found not in the position they hold but in the ability to allow others to prosper. True leaders recognize if their subordinates do not trust them, their ability to influence is circumstantial and temporary.
Leadership mastered is a paradox. To increase power and influence we must give power and influence away.
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in their book Credibility – How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It offered the following idea.
“Leaders serve a purpose and the people who made it possible for them to lead. They put the guiding principles of the organization ahead of all else and then strive to live by them. They are the first to do what has been agreed upon. In serving a purpose, leaders strengthen credibility by demonstrating that they are not in it for themselves; instead they have the interests of the institution, department or team and its constituents at heart. Being a servant may not be what leaders had in mind when they choose to take responsibility for the vision and direction of their organization or team, but serving others is the most glorious and rewarding of all leadership tasks.”
Despots and Dictators all eventually produce the same outcome – destruction.
Leadership is more about giving than taking. It’s a continual commitment to helping others become the best that they can be. True leaders are “selfishly” focused on the collective benefit vs. their own personal agenda. Yet, ironically, strong leaders focus on strengthening themselves first. Developing the confidence and competence to handle the inevitable challenges ahead is critical to success. No leader succeeds in isolation. No leader succeeds by standing still. We must all humbly stretch, learn and grow.
If trust can be defined as being consistent and predictable, in what ways can you build trust over the next 30 days?
How will these behaviors build your beliefs and ultimately your credibility?
Selling is Everyone’s Business
Collaboration: The Art and Science of Values Based Influence
Supply Chain Management Association
Hilton Hotel
18800 MacArthur Blvd
Irvine, CA 92612
Thursday, August 20, 2015
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Open to the Public
Boom, Bust, Boom
7 “Lessons” in Leadership and the Art of Execution
California Human Resource Conference
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, CA 92802
Monday, August 31, 2015
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Open to the Public
Tony has produced extraordinary results in diverse businesses for over 25 years. As a fractional CEO, COO or VP Sales, Tony collaborates with business owners, CEOs and executive teams in small to mid-market companies.
Core focus areas include:
Strategy Execution
Sales Growth
Leadership Development