Do Good. Just do some good.
Much has been written about what it takes to be a great executive. Here’s a rare recommendation. Stop striving to be great and simply do good.
The shift is subtle yet profound. Stop trying to be “great” and simply demonstrate goodness, in your way, anonymously. Just for the sake of giving. Your soul will scream with excitement in your selflessness.
Considering the state of our world, a little more good would be great. The tragic events in Dallas two weeks ago coupled with the dither espoused from politicians and varying pundits is draining.
What many people need right now is a smile, a word of encouragement and a gentle reminder that they are good. Regardless of the temporary challenges we may face, by doing good, maybe, just maybe, those we impact would be a bit less disheartened and more inspired to deliver goodness to others.
I recently spent time with a special CEO who happens to have a terminal illness. With an unknown amount of life remaining every moment is precious. Holding the hand of her young child. Letting go of past resentments. Enjoying a full breath and the energy for a brief walk on the beach. She is purposefully offering kind deeds to friends and folks she does not know.
By graciously sharing a brief bit of time with me, she provided an amazing gift. Perspective.
If my days were numbered (and they are) and time was short (it’s all relative) how would I spend my waking hours? Hopefully doing some good. As a fallible human being, I too get so consumed by the next mountain to climb. Maybe we all need to start striving for more goodness vs. pretending to be great.
If you are truly committed to being a “great” executive, simply start doing good everyday.
So, how might you do some good?
Your world thanks you.