There are three critical elements to building a strong sustainable business.
1. Crystalizing Core Priorities
2. Creating Key Processes
3. Developing People
Most companies are missing one or more of these elements.
A mid-sized company CEO recently expressed her frustration over the seemingly never-ending challenges preventing her organization from focusing on its long-term vision.
My counsel shocked her. “Stop focusing on the vision and start creating processes tied to your company’s core priorities. Act with discipline on what must be completed today. Make sure everyone on your team understands their responsibilities as they tie to the company goals. Be disciplined.”
Her response was sincere and honest. “I don’t know how.”
Bain and Company completed a study of over 2,000 companies and found 87.5% of the study participants were not able to effectively implement their strategy plans. Building and implementing a successful business plan is hard work.
Daily prioritization, process creation and people development is what ultimately ensures sustainable success.
Are you ready to share ideas? I’ll be speaking at Webster University in Irvine, CA at 10:00 a.m. on April 15. If you would like to attend, send me a note at