The Secret Sauce

Business leaders are pressured from all angles. How can C-Suite executives successfully toggle between the busyness of day-to-day demands and the balance so many yearn for? The answer is to find “flow” or “the zone” as some refer to it.

Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi, the best selling author of Flow, The Psychology of Optimal Experience is often attributed to popularizing the concept. Simply put, “flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a ...

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Thoughts are Things

As the year comes to a close, it is a great time for leaders to review progress made and opportunities missed.

Executing a company strategy is one of the most challenging responsibilities leaders face.   A major reason so many businesses struggle to consistently produce desired results is due to a lack of clarity and beliefs in company goals.

There is a big difference between intellectually understanding the company objectives and personally believing the stated goals.

It is important to remember, thoughts are things.  ...

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3 Little Pigs and Business

In today’s rapidly changing, highly disruptive business environment, having an up to date and well developed business strategy and execution plan is critical to long-term success.   In two short weeks the fourth quarter of the year will begin.  Are you ready for next year and the ensuing 24-36 months?

How Well Built is Your Business Strategy?

  • How prepared is your company to address the upcoming disruptions, market shifts and changes in customer demands? 
  • What “wolf” is lurking to take away your market share and ...
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Leading Millennials

A reported 80 million people make up the next surge in market shifting dynamics called the Millennials. Based on recent projections, nearly 50% of all workers will be represented by Millennials by 2020!

Every time I speak with business owners and CEOs the topic of hiring and managing Millennials surfaces. For many Boomer executives, it is believed that Millennials are extremely different than the Boomer generation.

Below is a quick comparison between the perceived Millennial “needs” and those of the Baby Boom ...

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How to Increase Your IQ by 80 Points

According to Marvin Minsky, the father of artificial intelligence, you can radically increase your IQ by developing one simple skill. Cultivating a well-developed point of view.

Original thinking is critical to developing strong strategy plans that get executed.   For most, making the time to think deeply about multiple “roads to success” AND considering consequences is not a common behavior. People tend to behave habitually vs. truly challenging their own preferences.

Here is a simple exercise to help facilitate the process. I call ...

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Become an Expert

It has been said leaders are readers.  Only 42% of adults read at least one non-fiction book each year!  It is projected fewer than 10% of adults read one non-fiction book per month.

One of the fastest ways to reach “expert” status is to read.

Here is a sample of my favorites.  Have you read any good books lately?  Send me the titles and a few quick take-a-ways.

Change or Die – Alan Deutschman

Conscious Business – Fred Cofman

First, Break All the Rules – ...

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Company Blind Spots

Take a moment to complete this simple exercise.  It might help to print the page.

Close your left eye.  Stare at the + mark below.  Now slowly move the page closer to your face.   Remain staring with your right eye only at the +.  If you stay focused on the plus sign you will notice the minus sign will briefly disappear from your peripheral vision.

   +                              ...

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An Awesome Asset

Failure to plan is planning to fail. The old cliché is as true today as ever.

Having spoken to numerous small and mid-sized CEO’s and business owners over the last few months, I’m startled at how few have well-developed strategic plans in place.

Many firms have made massive investments in inventory; capital equipment and large payrolls yet have not built a framework for their future.

One of the most important assets a company owns is the ability to develop and execute a strong ...

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Top Performance Demystified

There are five characteristics top 20% performers consistently demonstrate.  Work to develop and master these skills and your performance will soar.

Having worked in marquee companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and Frito Lay both as an executive and as a consultant, I was fortunate to study and collaborate in building metric based “success models” for numerous diverse business units.   Interestingly, the characteristics of top performers across multiple companies were very similar.

Here are the core characteristics of top-tier performers.

Desire ...

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The 3 Keys

There are three critical elements to building a strong sustainable business.

1.  Crystalizing Core Priorities
2.  Creating Key Processes
3.  Developing People

Most companies are missing one or more of these elements.

A mid-sized company CEO recently expressed her frustration over the seemingly never-ending challenges preventing her organization from focusing on its long-term vision.

My counsel shocked her. “Stop focusing on the vision and start creating processes tied to your company’s core priorities. Act with discipline on what must be completed today. ...

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